Parish House – Construction Starts

We visited our project site at 2126-34 East Firth Street in Philadelphia yesterday to observe ongoing demolition work. This building was a former Parish House (not coincidentally, our official name for the project) that is being converted into five single-family homes. We’re completely redoing the interior, leaving several stone and brick walls exposed. Lots of original detailing, including the main stair that will remain as part of one of the units. We are also doing a third floor addition to gain some extra bedroom space.

hidden treasures

Hidden treasures

the former main hall; the walls between the new homes will fall along the beam lines

The former main hall; the walls between the new homes will fall along the beam lines

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It’s exciting to work with clients–in this case, Red Oak Development–who come to us with great projects, and who also have a vision for the type of work that they want to create. It means that we can take advantage of unique opportunities when they come up, to make the project better than any of us could have expected.

Project Update: Arizona Street Residence
Historic Technique
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